To make all men see….. Ephesians 3:9

Why I am a Hyper-dispensationalist (8) – A Garbled Gospel

When one reads an average gospel tract, often the message of salvation can be found in it, but getting to it can be confusing. Often verses like John 3:16, Romans 10: 9-10, I John 1: 9 and many other verses are completely taken out of their context and have Pauline truth added to them.
Although this may sometimes be effective in leading individuals to Christ, it can leave them confused. If one trusts Christ by misunderstanding verses that were taken out of context, they will often go to those passages and books to get their understanding and doctrine.
This leads to confusion and eventually to a Christian who is defeated by putting themselves back under the law.
The gospel of salvation should always be presented using verses that are actually about the gospel of salvation in the dispensation of grace.