To make all men see….. Ephesians 3:9

Sermons on Sin

Sin (7) – From Vanity to Purpose (Defeating Sin Without the Law)

Comedian Jeff Allen’s testimony finds him having an epiphany when he hears a preacher preaching on Ecclesiastes 1: 1-3. Vanity of vanities, all is vanity sayeth the preacher. Living a Christian life without the law also begins with that epiphany. When one realizes that all earthly and fleshly things are at their best state vanity. one can begin to look at what…

Sin (4) – The Faith of Christ

Looking to the scripture to learn how to live a righteous life, we find the answer throughout: “The just shall live by faith.” In Philippians 2, Paul tells us: “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.” Jesus Christ lived the perfect life by having complete faith in the Father. We learn to live the life of Christ…

Living in Death

Paul tells us that we are crucified with Christ, nevertheless we live. How is it that we can live in death. Fortunately, he equips us with the tools to do this outside of the law. In 2 Corinthians 4:18 we are told to look at things which are not seen. This is how we defeat the lust of the eyes. So being…

Three Deaths of the Believer

When Paul makes lists of sins when referring to the Body of Christ, he makes a parallel with Romans six, seven and eight. In Romans six,  we are shown how we are dead to sin; in Romans seven, how we are dead to the law; and in Romans 8, how we are dead to the flesh. When listing sins in I Corinthians…

Society (11) – The Solution to Sin

As we’ve gone through this series, we have looked at the difficulty many churches today face concerning how they should deal with certain sins. While some subtly or openly accept them, others treat them as unforgivable – or at least those who practice them as pariahs. But God has always treated sin with grace and truth. The truth part is that sin…

Society (10) – Are Some Sins Okay?

Many Christian churches seem to be moving in different directions on many sins. While some churches seem to be following society, condoning political correct sins, other churches treat those same sins as though they are worse than any other. The churches that condone these sins, sometimes in a subtle way and sometimes outright, claim that these transgressions are different because it is…

Society (9a) – Dispensational Sin

Sin has always been sin. Even before there was a law, sin resulted from moving away from God. Paul lists sins four different places that have four dispensational meanings. He lists pretty much the same sins in each place. Romans one is sin before the law, which gives us an idea of how an ungoverned society without God ends up. The next…