To make all men see….. Ephesians 3:9

Sermons on Right Division (Page 2)


Henceforth is a time word. When rightly dividing God’s Word, understanding ‘henceforth’ can be helpful in discerning God’s earthly and heavenly divisions. It can also be important in knowing what is being spoken of and the time frame of the subject. When Christ is speaking, we see if it is Christ after the flesh or the glorified Christ, and which should be…

Why I Am a Hyper-dispensationalist (5) – Peter S Ruckman

Peter Ruckman was a very influential Baptist preacher and the founder of Pensacola Bible Institute. He is best know for his stand on the King James Bible. What he is lesser known for outside of Baptist circles was his very intense opposition to Mid-Acts dispensationalists. He called those that believe as we “The Dry Cleaners.” This has always been a mystery because…

Why I am a Hyper-Dispensationalist (4) Cornelius (part 2)

Most Christians see the accounts of Cornelius and the Ethiopian Eunuch as accounts of the personal, eternal soul salvation. But the truth is that they were both already faithful proselytes. They had already been personally saved the same as Rahab, Ruth, Naaman, Uriah the Hittite and so on. If the salvation that they received wasn’t the salvation of their souls, what salvation…

Why I Am a Hyper-dispensationalist (3) – Cornelius (Part 1)

We look at a video of Dr. George Antonius critiquing a video by Pastor David O’Steen concerning what was Cornelius saved into, the kingdom or the body of Christ. The first thing that we see is that Pastor O’Steen contradicts himself when he uses the terms ‘prophetic program’ and ‘mystery program.’ Dr. Antonius points this out and also uses these terms. The…

Why I am a Hyperdispensationalist (1) – The Baptizing Work of the Holy Spirit

There are many videos on YouTube refuting Mid-Acts dispensationalism. We begin looking at what the critics say about us and determining if it is true. The first subject concerns the idea that the church had to begin at Pentecost because that is where the baptizing work of the Holy Spirit began.

Why I Am a Hyperdispensationalist (2) – The Church in Christ

One common objection to Mid-Acts dispensationalism is Romans 16:7, where Paul says that Andronicus and Junia were in Christ before him. That should surprise no one. Everyone who was granted eternal life before Paul’s salvation was in Christ before him. There is no eternal life outside of Christ. This is made clear in Ephesians 1:10 and Colossians 1:18-20. Romans 3 tells us…