To make all men see….. Ephesians 3:9

Sermons on Life of Christ in You

Dealing With Life at It’s Source

Saints are best equipped to face the trials of a new year. This is because we are dealing with life at it’s source. That source is Christ, and we are in Christ. Christ has defeated a multitude of enemies that the rest of mankind must face daily, alone and unprepared. A saint can face tomorrow cheerful and unafraid because we have peace…

Sin (7) – From Vanity to Purpose (Defeating Sin Without the Law)

Comedian Jeff Allen’s testimony finds him having an epiphany when he hears a preacher preaching on Ecclesiastes 1: 1-3. Vanity of vanities, all is vanity sayeth the preacher. Living a Christian life without the law also begins with that epiphany. When one realizes that all earthly and fleshly things are at their best state vanity. one can begin to look at what…

Sin (5) – From Corinth to Thessalonica

In Paul’s epistles, two churches stand out when studying the subject of practical living. One church is a prime example of how not to live, the other a shining example of how we should live. These two churches are the Corinthians and the Thessalonians. Paul tells the Thessalonians that he always remembered their “work of faith, and labour of love, and patience…