Bob continues reviewing who God has made believers in Christ: Justified, glorified, conquerors, secure, sanctified, ambassadors and more.
Bob continues reviewing who God has made believers in Christ: Justified, glorified, conquerors, secure, sanctified, ambassadors and more.
Bob continues with his study of who we are in Christ. We are: Beloved of God; Dead to Sin; Free from condemnation; Foreknown; Called; Under Grace; Eternal; Sons of God; and more.
Know who you are in Christ and who you were outside of Christ is the key to living your life in Christ.
Saints are best equipped to face the trials of a new year. This is because we are dealing with life at it’s source. That source is Christ, and we are in Christ. Christ has defeated a multitude of enemies that the rest of mankind must face daily, alone and unprepared. A saint can face tomorrow cheerful and unafraid because we have peace…
Grace Alive stands on four pillars: A Book you can trust – Without an authority outside of ourselves that we can totally trust, it is left to the wisdom of men to tell us what is truth. We believe the King James Bible is God’s word for English speaking people. A Gospel you can believe – The gospel of eternal salvation is…
Comedian Jeff Allen’s testimony finds him having an epiphany when he hears a preacher preaching on Ecclesiastes 1: 1-3. Vanity of vanities, all is vanity sayeth the preacher. Living a Christian life without the law also begins with that epiphany. When one realizes that all earthly and fleshly things are at their best state vanity. one can begin to look at what…
In Paul’s epistles, two churches stand out when studying the subject of practical living. One church is a prime example of how not to live, the other a shining example of how we should live. These two churches are the Corinthians and the Thessalonians. Paul tells the Thessalonians that he always remembered their “work of faith, and labour of love, and patience…
Is homosexuality different from other sins? Andy Stanley thinks so. So do most conservative Christians. Modernists want to separate it out as being okay because that is the way you wereborn. It is who you are, so how could it really be a sin? Conservatives, on the other hand, will often point to it as being so much worse than other sin,…
Some of our beliefs are vastly different to the majority of Christian’s. We believe that signs and miracles passed away with the finishing of scripture. We also believe that there are no special gifts nor callings today, nor does God interact with us other than through His word. We further believe that all ordinances and special days or activities such as water…
A wrap-up of the series on the spirit, soul and body of man. This study looks at how we can go from death to life not only in our spirit, but in our body and soul also.