To make all men see….. Ephesians 3:9

Sermons by Tracy Plessinger (Page 7)

One Purpose – Two Places

God’s Purpose is to bring all things together in Christ. The two places that He is going to do this are heaven and earth. A basic way to rightly divide the word of truth is to recognize which place is being spoken of in any particular book or verse. God’s earthly purpose was centered around the nation Israel. God’s heavenly purpose is…

Righteousness of God – Faith of Jesus Christ

Man’s righteousness is unacceptable to God. Both Jew and Gentile have been declared guilty before Him. Therefore for anyone to attain eternal life, God must give them His righteousness. Jesus Christ was the only man to live his entire life by patient continuance in well doing seeking for glory and honour and immortality of the Father. Because he did that, the Father…

Old Information Given New Relevance

In Romans 3:10-20, Paul gives the state of mankind – both Jews and Gentiles. Every condemnation that is listed is also found in the Old Testament. This is not a new revelation, but an encapsulation of man’s rebellion and unrighteousness, The only answer to this dilemma is to be freely given the righteousness of Jesus Christ. This is only given when someone…

Look What’s Missing

Comparing verses between Bible versions is instructive to see what is missing in the critical texts of the majority of modern translations. Invariably what is missing takes away attributes of Christ or erases the salvation that is in him. Comparing Bible versions reveals how much modern Bibles delete from God’s Word. Video at end of message was from

Goodness, Forbearance and Mercy

Continuing in Romans, God’s judgement didn’t lead man to God. Now He offers goodness and longsuffering, yet man still doesn’t come to God. So God tells us that He will reward every man according to his works.  Ultimately you can be judged by your works, or you can be judged by the works of Christ through faith. Then He turns His sights…


Guilty. That is what the scriptures conclude for all of us. Romans one deals with this. Because of mankind’s refusal to accept, acknowledge and be thankful to God, he gave them up body, soul and spirit. Why does mankind need salvation to begin with? Because His Word tells us that: every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty…