To make all men see….. Ephesians 3:9

Society (Page 2)

Society today believes that there is no real truth: that all truth is subjective to the individual. As nonsensical as this seems, and as easily refuted as that philosophy is, it is still growing wide consensus in the progressive universities of American.

Homosexuality is one of the lifestyles that is beginning to be widely accepted in Christian churches today. Andy Stanley’s approach is one that is being used to stealthily to embrace more and more aspects of our sin nature.

This approach is neither scriptural nor a part of scriptural truth. 

Society (3) – Pride Month

June has been named Pride Month. The pride is for those who identify as LGBTQIA+. This is endemic of worshiping the creature more than the creator and is validated by science (falsely-so-called). Mankind was created male and female and God’s first commandment was to be fruitful and multiply. Woman was created from man and was fashioned to cause a need in man…

Society (1) – Pernicious Nonsense

Richard Dawkins calls the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead ‘pernicious nonsense.’ Yet he says that he enjoys the benefits of living in a Christian culture. Without the resurrection there can be no Christian culture. There is no forgiveness of sins, no hope of eternal life, no righteousness, and no Christianity at all. It means that all Christians have believed in…