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An introduction to this subject looks at who these commissions were given to. There were only eleven apostles that received this commission, but the kingdom required that there be 12. The twelve were required to fill the twelve thrones juding the twelve tribes of Israel. These commissions bind those to whom they were given to the law of Moses. They endow those…
June has been named Pride Month. The pride is for those who identify as LGBTQIA+. This is endemic of worshiping the creature more than the creator and is validated by science (falsely-so-called). Mankind was created male and female and God’s first commandment was to be fruitful and multiply. Woman was created from man and was fashioned to cause a need in man…
Man’s existence is vain. No matter what we do, there is no real meaning in it. Bad things happen to good people; good things happen to bad people. All the riches we work for in life are left to others when we die. Anything we build will eventually fall, and the greatest achievements of men are always reversed and torn down. But…
Jesus Christ gave the keys to the kingdom to Peter. The Rock on which that kingdom church would be built was Peter’s confession: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ This is the same foundation that Paul establishes the body of Christ upon. Although the foundation is the same, the churches had to be different. If they were the…
In this study we look at the eternal destiny of Israel and the eternal destiny of the body of Christ. These are within the one purpose of God, but two different destinations. We also look at the return of Christ, and how that offers blessings for the church and blessings for Israel: again with the same purpose but different places. Finally we…
God’s Word has different divisions within it. First, there is the division between His purpose and plan for the earth and His purpose and plan for the heavens. Then there are the divisions between the tree, the time of tribulation, the throne and the mystery. There is also a division between the gospel of the circumcision and the gospel of the uncircumcision.…
What is known as ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ is and often repeated prayer in churches around the world. Understanding what is being prayed for in that prayer should be tantamount to the constant repetition of it. If Christians understood the context and the meaning of the prayer, it is doubtful that it would be mindlessly repeated in unison at services and events. It…
Often when comparing Romans 4 with James 2, it is said that Paul and James disagreed. This is not true. The context of each passage must be looked at to understand what each is saying. Paul is explaining personal eternal salvation in the dispensation of grace. James is reproving the Jewish churches for respecting persons. The salvation and justification that James refers…
As we continue through our statement of faith, we uncover some errors that have to be addressed. First, what is stated about James is incorrect and that understanding is wrong. As one grows in the knowledge of God’s Word, old and erroneous thinking must be replaced and discarded. As our purpose is to have a statement that agrees with our current teaching,…
Many metaphors are used for the nation Israel. One important one to understand is that they are sheep. Christ came to seek and to save the lost sheep of the house of Israel. It is helpful when reading the gospels that we understand that Christ is a Shepherd coming to save his sheep. Christ sought out the children of Abraham, Isaac and…