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Shame is thought of as a bad thing. It is something that one should feel about who one is outside of Christ. But shame is often what leads to humility. As we are all born sinners, should we not feel shame about being sinners? That shame leads us to the humility necessary to recognize our need for a Savior. God continually brought…
We don’t believe that the Lord’s Supper is a ceremony that should be observed in this dispensation. (This is controversial amongst Mid-Acts dispensationalists.) There are several reasons we don’t observe the Lord’s Supper. The first is Colossians 2:9-17. The second has to do with whom the new testament was made with – it was not the body of Christ. The third reason…
In Acts 1, after Christ is caught up into a cloud, two angels question the disciples as to why they are gazing up into heaven. Why did they ask that question, and what significance does it have to Israel’s prophecy and their future?
There is a lot of celebrations of pride in this and that going on today in our society. Even churches are jumping on the band wagon. Some are now saying that although ‘social justice’ type pride is bad, celebrating who you are is good. Because, after all, didn’t God make us? Would He want some groups to be oppressed? Doesn’t God love…
Some of our beliefs are vastly different to the majority of Christian’s. We believe that signs and miracles passed away with the finishing of scripture. We also believe that there are no special gifts nor callings today, nor does God interact with us other than through His word. We further believe that all ordinances and special days or activities such as water…
Much of what Christ spoke of to his disciples can be found in the Psalms and the prophets. First, Israel will have to go through a time of trouble to purify them. Then those that endure until the end will receive their deliverance. During this time of tribulation, there are songs of deliverance that they will sing. Many of these songs are…
When a group of people have an agenda to corrupt society, they don’t try to convince adults of their cause, they god after the children and young adults in the institutions of learning. This happened with communism, the theory of evolution, the corrupted Bible versions, and it is coming to fruition in the field of sexual sins. Traditionally, those who stood in…
We believe that God does not intervene physically in the daily lives of believers. We believe the responsibility for the care of believers fall on the members of the body of Christ. We have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, and God has fully equipped us to deal with the trials and calamities of life through His Word rightly…
When Israel again becomes God’s chosen people, the will have to become like Nathaniel. They will have to proclaim that Jesus is the Christ, the King of Israel. They will receive an earthly kingdom which comes down from heaven and will rule and reign on the earth. The Jews will be a kingdom of priests during the millennium and will fulfill the…
Adam and Eve fell because of pride. Lucifer fell because of pride. Pride is first on the list of sins that God hates. Today pride is celebrated, and not just pride, but pride in sinful behavior. Out of 365 days of the year, America officially celebrates perversity and sin 145 days. Mothers and fathers, the core of the family, are each given…