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Many of the bad doctrines that have arisen through the ages have come about because men have mixed scriptures written to the body of Christ with scriptures written to Israel.
Finding comfort in establishment begins with Paul’s gospel. Knowing your eternal destiny and understanding that you have peace with God gives comfort. Next is the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery. This teaches us that we are in Christ and he in us. We learn to live our lives on that principle instead of the law or…
This message is a slight detour from the main subject to answer a question that came up. Colossians 1:20 says: And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. How does God reconcile all things unto Himself if there…
When Paul wrote to Titus, he calls him his son in the common faith. When he wrote to Timothy, he called him his son in the faith. Why did he use the phrase ‘common faith’ when writing to Titus? Titus was a Gentile and uncircumcised. Timothy had a Jewish mother and was circumcised. Faith has always been the way to come to…
For those seeking to understand God’s Word, this message is an indispensable building block. Mid-Acts dispensationalism is often derided as hyper-dispensationalism by those who reject it, but a sound understanding of the scriptures can only be obtained when they are truly rightly divided. In this message, that building block is clearly presented.
The comparison and contrast between Timothy and Titus brings out an interesting fact about the way Paul dealt with each man.Timothy was not bold and tended toward being timid and sickly. Titus was bold and needed less encouragement. When Timothy was sent, Paul asked those to whom he was sent to treat him kindly so he wouldn’t fear. Titus was sent to…
There are dichotomies in scripture. For example, God is a God that forgives sin but in no wise will clear the guilty – but we are all guilty – son how can He forgive sins? Another dichotomy is that we are made subject to vanity, but all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to…
When hard times come into your life, it is usually not the time that you can learn doctrine and become established in the faith. It is important to become established during the normal times, so that you know how to deal with the hard times. Being established in the faith is a process that begins with the gospel. Knowing what the gospel…
Often when Christians speak of God’s will, they will say that the Holy Spirit moved them or God spoke to them. Almost always they will say that when God spoke to them it was not in an audible voice, but in a feeling or a circumstance. But this phenomenon isn’t found in scripture. When God speaks to someone, it is in an…
In 2 Tim 3, Paul tells us what is going to happen in the last days. Included with this prophecy is instructions on how to live in that time. We are told to continue in the things which we’ve heard of Paul. So what are those things? First, the gospel of the grace of God. The understanding and using all scripture, but…