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Satan is indeed subtle. He corrected Eve on what God had said even as he told her that it was untrue. His characteristics can be summed up in Proverbs 6:16-18. When looking at Satan’s characteristics, one can see his subtlety simply by comparing verses that show these traits in different Bibles. Today Satan leads people away from God and sound doctrine by…
Most folks that believe in God also believe that God intervenes in the lives of individuals and societies to either punish or reward them according to their works. This is a common belief in Christianity also. But if God places you in Christ and imputes the righteousness of Christ to you when you believe, this creates a problem for that doctrine. If…
The first time Satan is encountered in the scriptures is in Genesis 3. He is presented as a serpent. Much has been made of this throughout the ages. Was Satan actually a serpent? Did Satan enter into a serpent? Or is a serpent just a metaphor for Satan and he appeared as a shining cherub, which he was in reality. This study…
God has given Christ all things. Those who are in Christ are called joint-heirs with Christ. That means that all things given to Christ have been given to those in Christ. But it was Christ that was chosen. We become part of the chosen when we by faith are placed into the body of Christ. All things that we are given are…
The most common book new believers are encouraged to study is the Gospel of John. The problem with that is that new believers can quickly become confused and discouraged by taking the promises made in John and applying them to their lives. The book that best establishes believers in the faith is the book of Romans. Romans begins by laying out the…
All things work together for good to them that love God FOR WHOM HE DID FOREKNOW . . . The reason all things work together for good to those in Christ is because God foreknew Jesus Christ. He predestinated, called, justified and glorified Jesus Christ. Therefore, anyone placed into Jesus Christ by their faith would also be given the same things Christ…
Many of the bad doctrines that have arisen through the ages have come about because men have mixed scriptures written to the body of Christ with scriptures written to Israel.
Finding comfort in establishment begins with Paul’s gospel. Knowing your eternal destiny and understanding that you have peace with God gives comfort. Next is the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery. This teaches us that we are in Christ and he in us. We learn to live our lives on that principle instead of the law or…
This message is a slight detour from the main subject to answer a question that came up. Colossians 1:20 says: And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. How does God reconcile all things unto Himself if there…
When Paul wrote to Titus, he calls him his son in the common faith. When he wrote to Timothy, he called him his son in the faith. Why did he use the phrase ‘common faith’ when writing to Titus? Titus was a Gentile and uncircumcised. Timothy had a Jewish mother and was circumcised. Faith has always been the way to come to…