To make all men see….. Ephesians 3:9

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Is God in Control (12) – Does God Intervene to Punish and Reward?

Most folks that believe in God also believe that God intervenes in the lives of individuals and societies to either punish or reward them according to their works. This is a common belief in Christianity also. But if God places you in Christ and imputes the righteousness of Christ to you when you believe, this creates a problem for that doctrine. If…

Satan (1) – The Serpent

The first time Satan is encountered in the scriptures is in Genesis 3. He is presented as a serpent. Much has been made of this throughout the ages. Was Satan actually a serpent? Did Satan enter into a serpent? Or is a serpent just a metaphor for Satan and he appeared as a shining cherub, which he was in reality. This study…

The Common Faith

When Paul wrote to Titus, he calls him his son in the common faith. When he wrote to Timothy, he called him his son in the faith. Why did he use the phrase ‘common faith’ when writing to Titus? Titus was a Gentile and uncircumcised. Timothy had a Jewish mother and was circumcised. Faith has always been the way to come to…