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Living in the dispensation of grace means not subjecting yourself to the tenets of the Mosaic law. Yet many Christians treat divorce as the unpardonable sin. Is the matter of divorce more stringent under grace than under the law? God Himself is divorced.
As we continue through our statement of faith, we consider our statements on salvation, what happens at salvation, and our security in Christ.
When we talk about living the life of Christ that you received at salvation, there are several verses that are key in understanding exactly how to do that.
A wrap-up of the series on the spirit, soul and body of man. This study looks at how we can go from death to life not only in our spirit, but in our body and soul also.
Man’s righteousness is unacceptable to God. Both Jew and Gentile have been declared guilty before Him. Therefore for anyone to attain eternal life, God must give them His righteousness. Jesus Christ was the only man to live his entire life by patient continuance in well doing seeking for glory and honor and immortality of the Father. Because he did that, the Father…
In Romans 3:10-20, Paul gives the state of mankind – both Jews and Gentiles. Every condemnation that is listed is also found in the Old Testament. This is not a new revelation, but an encapsulation of man’s rebellion and unrighteousness, The only answer to this dilemma is to be freely given the righteousness of Jesus Christ. This is only given when someone…
Continuing in Romans, God’s judgement didn’t lead man to God. Now He offers goodness and longsuffering, yet man still doesn’t come to God. So God tells us that He will reward every man according to his works. The He turns His sights on the Jews. These people had the truth and still lived in disobedience.
Why does mankind need salvation to begin with? Romans one deals with this. Because of mankind’s refusal to accept, acknowledge and be thankful to God, he gave them body, soul and spirit.
Are you forgiven and how to know? After watching the short video here are some additional resources: Why Would a Perfect Man Die Guilty Forbearance and Mercy The Witness of Psalms and Isaiah Righteousness of God Am I Good Enough to Get to Heaven?
Searching for the truth and a better understanding of the Word? After watching the short video, here are some additional links to help you: How to Study your Bible – Part 1 How to Study your Bible – Part 2 — Which Bible Should you Study? How to Study your Bible – Part 3 — Rules and Regulations. How to Study your…