To make all men see….. Ephesians 3:9

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Dying to Live

When one reads a verse like Gal 2:20: ” I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me,” the question becomes HOW? How can you make the…

Getting From Death to Life

When we trust that Christ paid the penalty for our sins, his righteousness is imputed to us. How to live in that righteousness while still in a body of sinful flesh requires a trustworthy instruction manual. It also requires that we read and understand that manual in proper way and constantly refer to it to instruct, reprove and correct us. This is…

Blessings Below, Blessings Above

When rightly dividing the word of truth, it is important to note where the blessings are given. Blessings on the earth concern those who are not part of the body of Christ. We look for our blessings in heavenly places. Earthly blessings concern a physical earthly kingdom. Heavenly blessings concern a spiritual heavenly kingdom.

One Purpose – Two Places

God’s Purpose is to bring all things together in Christ. The two places that He is going to do this are heaven and earth. A basic way to rightly divide the word of truth is to recognize which place is being spoken of in any particular book or verse. God’s earthly purpose was centered around the nation Israel. God’s heavenly purpose is…

Righteousness of God – Faith of Jesus Christ

Man’s righteousness is unacceptable to God. Both Jew and Gentile have been declared guilty before Him. Therefore for anyone to attain eternal life, God must give them His righteousness. Jesus Christ was the only man to live his entire life by patient continuance in well doing seeking for glory and honour and immortality of the Father. Because he did that, the Father…

Old Information Given New Relevance

In Romans 3:10-20, Paul gives the state of mankind – both Jews and Gentiles. Every condemnation that is listed is also found in the Old Testament. This is not a new revelation, but an encapsulation of man’s rebellion and unrighteousness, The only answer to this dilemma is to be freely given the righteousness of Jesus Christ. This is only given when someone…