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When Paul says that we walk by faith and not by sight, he had good reason for saying that. He had no physical evidence that he was doing God’s will. He was beaten, put in prison, shipwrecked, and on and on. This is a stark contrast to the way God had dealt with Israel. If they were walking in God’s will, the…
Bob continues reviewing who God has made believers in Christ: Justified, glorified, conquerors, secure, sanctified, ambassadors and more.
Great faith is not how much faith one has, but it is what the faith is placed in. Faith is the only thing that pleases God. Faith is not a meritorious act: it is not a work. Faith involves more than intellectual assent – one must trust the truth. Faith is a positive response of obedient trust to God’s Word. Faith isn’t…
The importance of God’s Word is essential to any believer. Some verses everyone should be familiar with are: Psalms 138:2 – God magnifies His Word above His Name. Hebrews 4:12 – The Word of God is quick and powerful. We often spend more time defending God’s Word than we do using it. God’s Words are always more powerful than ours. I Thess.…
Scripture reveals two events in which Christ marveled. Both times it has to do with faith. One time it is because of someone’s faith, the other time because of the lack of faith. First he marvels that his own people and kin have no faith. This was extraordinary because the Jews had the word of God. They were to be teachers of…
Bob continues with his study of who we are in Christ. We are: Beloved of God; Dead to Sin; Free from condemnation; Foreknown; Called; Under Grace; Eternal; Sons of God; and more.
These are the things that we assume as Mid-Acts right division dispensationalists. The First assumption is that God exists. Although many today deny His existence, Romans one describes how mankind in the beginning knew God. But then they wanted nothing to do with Him. They changed who He was into the creature, and therefore God gave them up. The second assumption we…
Know who you are in Christ and who you were outside of Christ is the key to living your life in Christ.
Learning to live through hard times isn’t about self-improvement, self-help books, or asking God to fix your problems. To get through trails and tribulations in this life victoriously first requires a believer to be established in the faith. Romans is the book of establishment for the believer. When we reach Romans 8, there are three verses that will get an established believer…
Saints are best equipped to face the trials of a new year. This is because we are dealing with life at it’s source. That source is Christ, and we are in Christ. Christ has defeated a multitude of enemies that the rest of mankind must face daily, alone and unprepared. A saint can face tomorrow cheerful and unafraid because we have peace…