To make all men see….. Ephesians 3:9


Renovation – Temporary Meeting Place

Until renovation/construction is complete,  we will be meeting on Sunday mornings at the Bellwood Public Library. The library is located at 526 Main Street, Bellwood. We will have just one meeting each Sunday morning, at 10:30. There WILL be a class for the the kids during that meeting. There isn’t a lot of parking in the library parking lot, but we are…

Summer Bible Conference

Summer Bible Conference – Dan Gross will be joining us
for a Summer Bible Conference.

Father’s Day Picnic

We will all meet after church on Father’s Day, Sunday June 16, for a picnic at Canoe Creek State Park. The hot dogs and hamburgers for grilling will be provided. Please bring a covered dish to help round out the menu and join us for this fun family event to honor our fathers.

Mother – Daughter Banquet

Mother/Daughter Banquet – Our Mother/Daughter Banquet this year will be a Brunch. It will be on Saturday, May 4, at 10:00 AM, at the Altoona Grand Hotel. The suggested donation is $20. Remember, not every woman is a mother, but every woman is a daughter, so all the ladies of the church are invited to attend.

Hello Dolly

Great Commission School is performing Hello Dolly at the Mishler Theater on Saturday April 6, 2024 at 7:00 pm.