To make all men see….. Ephesians 3:9

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Four Faithful Sayings

We are all familiar with what a “saying” is. A saying is simply something that is said, usually over, and over again over the course of time. Sayings like, “A stitch in time saves nine, a penny saved is a penny earned, absence makes the heart grow fonder”, and countless others have become a part of our vocabulary and culture. I have often been amused when someone will quote one of these adages and then ask me where it is found in Scripture. While these types of sayings often give us insightful bits of wisdom, they are certainly not on a par with the inspired Word of God. There are however, sayings that are the Word of God. These sayings are distinguished from all other sayings in that they are said to be “faithful”. While man’s sayings become sayings because they are found over the course to time to be generally true, a “faithful saying” is guaranteed by God Almighty to be true every time. The four faithful sayings of Scripture are found in the epistles of Paul to Timothy and Titus.