To make all men see….. Ephesians 3:9

Is God in Control (5) – An Eternal Purpose

There was a woman whose son went off to fight in the great war in Europe. His job in that war ended up being the most dangerous job possible: he was a message runner. He literally ran through artillery barrages with messages to those in the trenches. His mother prayed diligently for his safety constantly, knowing the danger he was in. It was said that he should have died over two dozen times, yet he survived. Was the mother’s prayers answered? If so, why did God spare young Adolf Hitler? Time and chance happen to all, the righteous and the evil. God has an eternal purpose and He acts in accordance to that purpose. Not only that, but God has revealed that purpose to us. When we act in unison with that purpose, we are doing God’s will. He has laid out His will in the scripture, it is not hidden. He doesn’t speak in an inaudible voice. You don’t have to wonder if you are doing His will. The objective isn’t to seek God’s will for your life, it is to put your life in God’s revealed will.