To make all men see….. Ephesians 3:9

Grace Alive Church

Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
I Timothy 2:14

Welcome to our new site, we are currently working on adding more Studies but in the meantime you can access more on our YouTube channel. 

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We will continue to put new studies on this site, and reintroduce old studies as time permits.

Studies – videos

Sin (7) – From Vanity to Purpose (Defeating Sin Without the Law)

Comedian Jeff Allen’s testimony finds him having an epiphany when he hears a preacher preaching on Ecclesiastes 1: 1-3. Vanity of vanities, all is vanity sayeth the preacher. Living a Christian life without the law also begins with that epiphany. When one realizes that all earthly and fleshly things are at their best state vanity. one can begin to look at what…

Is God in Control? (6) – What’s for Dinner?

Suppose Eve asked Adam what he wanted for dinner. Adam couldn’t decide, but he wanted to stay within God’s will, so he went and asked God: “What should we eat for dinner?” God’s reply was: ‘Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it:…

A Good Soldier

As Paul was finishing his life, he wrote to Timothy and told him to endure hardness as a good soldier. What exactly does that mean to be a good soldier and endure hardness? One example from Paul’s life involves Antioch, Iconium and Lystra. When Paul first visited these places, he was thrown our of Antioch; he escaped from Iconium before a plot…

Sin (6) – Established in the Faith

Oftentimes folks wait until there is difficulty in their lives before they turn to God. This makes it almost impossible to have any real understanding of what God is doing and to be comforted by the scriptures. One must learn first to be established in the faith before life throws a curve ball. This study looks and how and where we turn…

Is God in Control (5) – An Eternal Purpose

There was a woman whose son went off to fight in the great war in Europe. His job in that war ended up being the most dangerous job possible: he was a message runner. He literally ran through artillery barrages with messages to those in the trenches. His mother prayed diligently for his safety constantly, knowing the danger he was in. It…


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Study Articles

When Bad Things Happen to You

Why Is This Happening to Me? It’s an age-old question: Why do bad things happen to good people?  Why do catastrophes, sickness, wars and other horrible things occur if there really is a loving God?  Doesn’t He care about us?  Is he punishing us for some reason? The answer is a simple one that is often overlooked.  Genesis 3:17-19, “And unto Adam…

Am I Good Enough To Get to Heaven?

This is a question many have asked themselves over the ages. Have my good deeds outweighed my bad deeds enough that God will let me into heaven? Fortunately, in God’s Word, we can find the answer. Rom 2:6-11 Who will render to every man according to his deeds: 7 To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and…

How to Study Your Bible – Part 1

Most conservative churches, Fundamentalists, Baptists, Pentecostal, Independent and Grace churches emphasize Bible study.  Bible study is important in developing a deep relationship with God.   God wrote a letter to many in the human race, so to understand God’s will it is important that you study that letter, the Bible

The problem is that many folks don’t know how to study the Bible.  Sure, it’s easy enough to just read the Bible, but much of it seems confusing.  It often appears to contradict itself.  And let’s face it, a lot of it is just boring.

How To Study Your Bible – Part 2: Which Bible Should You Study?

When it comes to Bible study, which Bible you use can be very important. When comparing Bible to Bible, verse to verse, the conclusions can be very different because the verses are very different.  Some Bibles have verses that other Bibles do not.  Often the difference in wording in two different Bible verses from different Bibles can lead to two different meanings all together.

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